Individuals birth weight centile calculator

Use this calculator to derive the centile or birth weight for individual singleton babies born between 24 and 42 completed weeks of gestation.

Derive a centile

Select the Centile option if you want to know the centile for a specific birth weight of a baby. Enter the baby's sex, gestational age (in completed weeks), and birth weight (in grams). The calculator displays the derived centile in the Centile box.

Interpret the result — say a baby's birth weight is on the 3rd centile. This means that three out of 100 babies (3%) born in the UK at the same gestational age and sex will have a lower birth weight than them. Likewise, if a baby's birth weight is on the 50th centile, then half of babies (50%) at the same gestational age and sex have a lower birth weight.

If you want to calculate and explore centiles for groups of babies, please use our batch birth weight centiles calculator.

Derive a birth weight

Select the Birth weight option if you want to know the birth weight associated with a specific centile. Enter the baby's sex, gestational age (in completed weeks), and the centile. The calculator displays the derived birth weight in the Birth weight box.

Interpret the result — for example, the birth weight associated with the 3rd centile for boys at 38 weeks' gestation is 2445g. This means that 3 in 100 baby boys born at 38 weeks' gestational age will weigh less than 2445g.

completed weeks
Centile boundaries
Define your own centile boundaries or choose from our presets.
Result chart axis category
Show result by centile or by birth weight.

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