Determination of signs of life following spontaneous birth before 24+0 weeks of gestation where, following discussion with the parents, active survival-focused care is not appropriate

This UK guidance is to support health care professionals in the assessment and documentation of signs of life in extremely preterm births. It aims to reduce the confusion and distress experienced by parents and increase the consistency of the registration of births and deaths.


This guidance is only for births where, following discussion with the parents, active survival focused care is not appropriate. For decision making relating to perinatal care and preterm delivery see BAPM framework for practice on perinatal management of extreme preterm birth before 27 weeks of gestation.

Births included in this guidance

Births not included in this guidance

  • Medical terminations of pregnancy
  • Spontaneous births of uncertain gestation
  • Spontaneous births at 22+0 to 23+6 weeks of gestation where initiation of active survival-focused neonatal care is planned or uncertain


Clinical guide
Explaining the signs of life guidance to healthcare professionals – video developed by MBRRACE-UK with the Dipex Charity
Quick clinical guide
Summarising the signs of life guidance for healthcare professionals – video developed by MBRRACE-UK with the Dipex Charity
Summary for parents and families
Summarising the signs of life guidance – video developed by MBRRACE-UK with the Dipex Charity


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